1st Wmk

Showing 1–96 of 146 results



      1d red, DIE 1, large margins IMPERFORATE DIE PROOF, on thin buff card. In superb...

      1st wmk, 1d red, DIE 1, large margins IMPERFORATE DIE PROOF, on thin buff card....
    • SG 1bw: 1st Wmk

      ½d green wmk INVERTED. Very fresh and mint very lightly hinged.
    • SG 1(var)/ACSC 1 (thin paper)

      1st wmk ½d green. THIN PAPER. Drury Certificate. Very scarce, mint unhinged.
    • SG 1/ACSC 1 (thin paper):

      1st wmk ½d green. Yet to be listed as THIN PAPER in ACSC. DRURY CERTIFICATE....
    • SG 1/ACSC 1(2)z: 1st Wmk

      ½d green. Lower left corner CA MONOGRAM strip of 3. Stamps are mint unhinged (light...
    • SG 1-10: 1st Watermark

      A part set : ½d to 9d inclusive, all stamps are mint unhinged. Budget price...
    • SG 1(coil): 1st Watermark

      ½d green strip of 4 with coil join with partial CA monogram. Fresh 3 mint...
    • SG 1 (coil): 1st Watermark

      ½d green strip of 6 with central coil join. 3 mint unhinged / 3 mint...
    • SG 1-13: 1st wmk

      ½d to 5/- inclusive. A select set of very fine and fresh mint unhinged examples....
    • SG 1(var): 1st Wmk

      ½d green strip of 4 with COIL JOIN with partial CA monogram in selvedge. Extra...
    • SG 1-11: 1st wmk

      Short set from ½d to 1/- inclusive (10 stamps). Save $$. Mint hinged.
    • SG 1: 1st Wmk

      ½d green. A well centred mint unhinged block of 4. Fresh.
    • SG 1-13: 1st Wmk

      ½d to 5/- (Ex 2d grey). Cancelled to order, Dec 3, 13. Overall in fine...
    • SG 1/ACSC 1cb: 1st Wmk

      ½d green BOOKLET PANE of 6. Super fine, mint unhinged.
    • SG 2(var)/ACSC 4(G)la:

      1st Wmk 1d red die 2A. Variety: CRACKED ELECTRO - state 2. Fine used.
    • SG 2/ACSC 2b:

      1st wmk 1d red die 1. DOUBLE PERFS at top. Good used.
    • SG 2b: 1st Wmk

      1d carmine, die 1, with OS/NSW official puncture. Mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 2b(OS/NSW): 1st Wmk

      1d carmine, die 1, with OS/NSW official puncture. Mint unhinged.
    • SG 2b(OS/NSW): 1st Wmk

      1d carmine, die 1, with OS/NSW official puncture. Mint unhinged.
    • SG 2b(OS/NSW): 1st Wmk

      1d carmine, die 1, with OS/NSW official puncture. Mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 2, 2d, 2e(OS/NSW): 1st Wmk

      1d red. Die 1, 2 and 2A, all punctured OS/NSW. Fine used.
    • SG 2d/ACSC 3Ab: 1st wmk

      1d red DIE 2, double perforations horizontally and vertically in top selvedge, fresh mint unhinged.
    • SG 2e: 1st Watermark

      1d red, die 2A. Extra fresh, mint unhinged.
    • SG 2db: 1st Watermark

      1d carmine, die 2. Very fresh, mint unhinged.
    • SG 2db: 1st Watermark

      1d carmine, die 2. Very fresh, mint unhinged.
    • SG 2b: 1st Watermark

      1d carmine, die 1. Extra fine, mint unhinged.
    • SG 2db: 1st Wmk

      1d carmine-red, die 2. Very fine, mint unhinged.
    • SG 2ew: 1st wmk

      1d carmine, die 2A, wmk INVERTED. Very fine, mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 2: 1st wmk

      1d, die 1, 2 and 2A - a set of 3. Mint unhinged.
    • SG 2aw/ACSC 2ab: 1st Wmk

      1d carmine red, die 1. WATERMARK SIDEWAYS with crown pointing LEFT (from the front). Choice,...
    • SG 2d/ACSC 3Ab: 1st Wmk

      1d red DIE 2, double perforations horizontally and vertically in top selvedge. Fresh, mint unhinged.
    • SG 2b(coil): 1st Wmk

      1d carmine-red, die 1 COIL strip of 3, with join showing part CA Monogram. 2...
    • SG 2b: 1st Wmk

      1d carmine, die 1. Very fresh, mint unhinged.
    • SG 2b: 1st Wmk

      1d carmine, die 1. Very fresh, mint unhinged.
    • SG 2(var)/ACSC 2B(A)f,g,cc: 1st Wmk

      1d red, die 1 block of 12 consisting of 2 x BOOKLET PANES of 6....
    • SG 3(var)/ACSC 5A.aa:

      1st Wmk 2d deep grey THIN PAPER variety. DRURY CERTIFICATE. Mint unhinged.
    • SG 3w: 1st Watermark

      2d grey, wmk INVERTED. Fine used.
    • SG 3: 1st Watermark

      2d grey. Very fresh and super lightly hinged.
    • SG 3: 1st Watermark

      2d grey. Super fresh. Mint unhinged.
    • SG 3(var)/ACSC 5(1)o: 1st Wmk

      2d grey. Variety: BREAK ON QLD. COASTLINE. Super fine. Mint unhinged.
    • SG 3: 1st Wmk

      2d grey. Extra fine and fresh. Mint unhinged.
    • SG 3w: 1st wmk

      2d grey, wmk INVERTED. Fresh, mint unhinged.
    • SG 3/ACSC 5(2)zc: 1st Wmk

      2d grey JBC monogram single (partial). Very fresh, mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 3w: 1st Wmk

      2d grey, wmk INVERTED. Very fine, mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 4: 1st Wmk

      2½d indigo. A lower left corner positional block of 4. An appealing block with 2...
    • SG 4: 1st Wmk

      2½d pale indigo-blue. An extra fine and fresh block of 4. Totally mint unhinged.
    • SG 4(var)/ACSC 9a:

      1st wmk 2½d indigo VERY THIN PAPER variety. DRURY certificate. Extra fine mint unhinged.
    • SG 4(var)/ACSC 9a:

      1st wmk 2½d indigo VERY THIN PAPER variety. DRURY certificate. Mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 4(var)/ACSC 9a:

      1st watermark 2½d indigo VERY THIN PAPER. DRURY CERTIFICATE. Well centred, super fresh and mint...
    • SG 4: 1st Watermark

      2½d indigo. Very fresh, mint unhinged.
    • SG 4(var)/ACSC 9Aa: 1st wmk

      2½d indigo THIN PAPER variety. DRURY CERTIFICATE. Mint very very lightly hinged.
    • SG 4: 1st Watermark

      2½d indigo. Super fresh and excellent centring. Mint unhinged.
    • SG 4: 1st Watermark

      2½d indigo. Well centred and fresh, mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 4: 1st Watermark

      2½d indigo. Well centred and mint very very lightly hinged. Super fresh.
    • SG 4: 1st Watermark

      2½d indigo. Fresh, mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 4: 1st Watermark

      2½d indigo. Fresh, mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 4: 1st Wmk

      2½d indigo. A gem. Mint unhinged.
    • SG 5e: 1st Wmk

      3d olive Die 2. Fine used.
    • SG 5: 1st Wmk

      3d olive, die 1. Fresh and mint unhinged.
    • SG 5e: 1st Wmk

      3d olive die 2. A horizontal pair (2 x die 2) neatly cancelled 'CAIRNS QUEENSLAND'....
    • SG 5dw: 1st Watermark

      3d olive die 1 wmk INVERTED. A horizontal pair, dated, fine used.
    • SG 5dw: 1st Watermark

      3d olive, die 1, wmk INVERTED. Well centred, fine used.
    • SG 5/ACSC 12(2)f:

      1st watermark, 3d olive die 1. Variety: WHITE SCRATCH OVER LAST "A" OF AUSTRALIA. Very...
    • SG 5: 1st Watermark

      3d olive, die 1. Fresh, mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 5(var)/ACSC 12cb:

      1st wmk 3d olive die 1 KISS PRINT affecting map (including Tasmania) and frame at...
    • SG 5(var)/ACSC 12cd: 1st Wmk

      3d olive, die 1 KISS PRINT variety affecting Eastern coastline and right frame line. ACSC...
    • SG 5: 1st Watermark

      3d olive. Nicely centred and very fresh. Mint very lightly hinged.
    • SG 5: 1st Watermark

      3d olive, die 1. Very fine and fresh. Mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 5c: 1st Watermark

      3d yellow-olive, die 1. Well centred, fresh mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 5c.dw: 1st Watermark

      3d yellow-olive, die 1 wmk INVERTED. Very fine, mint unhinged.
    • SG 5c.dw: 1st Watermark

      3d yellow-olive, die 1 with wmk INVERTED. Fresh, mint very lightly hinged.
    • SG 5: 1st Watermark

      3d olive, die 1 from lower right sheet corner, very fine, mint unhinged (light hinge...
    • SG 5: 1st Watermark

      3d olive, die 1. Extra fine, mint unhinged.
    • SG 5: 1st wmk

      3d olive, die 1. Exceptional quality, extra fresh and mint unhinged.
    • SG 5: 1st Wmk

      3d olive, die 1. Well centred and super fresh. Mint unhinged.
    • SG 5dw: 1st Wmk

      3d olive, die 1, wmk INVERTED. Blocks of 4 are scarce. All stamps are very...
    • SG 6a: 1st Wmk

      4d yellow-orange. Fine used with neat central cancellation.
    • SG 6: 1st Watermark

      4d orange mint, lightest trace of hinge, jumbo stamp!
    • SG 6: 1st Watermark

      4d orange. Centred to top, fresh and mint unhinged.
    • SG 6: 1st Watermark

      4d orange. Fresh, mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 6 : 1st Watermark

      4d orange. Very fresh, centred to right. Mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 6: 1st Wmk

      4d orange. Mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 6: 1st Wmk

      4d orange. Fresh, mint unhinged.
    • SG 6a: 1st Wmk

      4d yellow-orange. A very scarce shade. Superb, mint unhinged.
    • SG 8(var)/ACSC 16a:

      1st Watermark 5d pale chestnut VERY THIN PAPER. DRURY CERTIFICATE. Very fresh, mint unhinged.
    • SG 8: 1st Watermark

      5d chestnut. Choice quality, mint very lightly hinged.
    • SG 8: 1st Watermark

      5d chestnut. Rich colouring and fresh. Mint hinged.
    • SG 8: 1st Watermark

      5d chestnut. Nicely centred and fresh. Mint unhinged.
    • SG 8(var)/ACSC 16a:

      1st watermark 5d chestnut VERY THIN PAPER. Scarce. CEREMUGA CERTIFICATE. Mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 8: 1st Wmk

      5d chestnut. Well centred, mint lightly hinged.
    • SG 8: 1st Wmk

      5d chestnut. Well centred and mint very lightly hinged.
    • SG 8: 1st Wmk

      5d chestnut. A gem. Choice mint unhinged.
    • SG 8: 1st Wmk

      5d chestnut. A gem. Choice mint unhinged.
    • SG 9 (var)/ACSC 17(u)d: 1st Wmk

      6d blue showing DEFECTIVE SECOND 'E' OF PENCE variety. A fine commercial used example, oval...
    • SG 9a/ACSC 17(1)j:

      1st Wmk., 6d ultramarine RETOUCHED SECOND "E" of PENCE (Cat. value $1,500). A used example...